

Selected Publications

“Fashioning A Glamour: Magical Embodiment in Contemporary Witchcraft.” Silhouettes of the Soul: Meditations on Fashion, Religion, and Subjectivity. London: Bloomsbury, 2022.


“Transmutation of the Witch: Persecution into Empowerment.” Library of Esoterica: Witchcraft. Köln: Taschen, 2021.


“All Black Everything: Gothic Cloak and Swagger in Contemporary Hip Hop.” Journal of Fashion, Style and Popular Culture. Bristol: Intellect, 2015.


“Hysteric Desire: Sexual Positions, Sonic Subjectivity and Gender Play in Glam Metal.” Can I Play With Madness? Metal, Dissonance, Madness and Alienation. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011.
